Apply for Visa to Spain In Armenia Armenia flag
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Ans: A uniform Schengen visa is an authorization issued by one of the member states of the Schengen area that entitles the holder to stay in or transit through the territory of the Schengen member states not more than 90 days in any 180-day period. For this reason, the visa sticker in your passport is marked "90" and not "180" valid days.

Ans: Armenian nationals and third-country nationals, legally residing in Armenia for more than 6 month.

Ans: The application for a Schengen visa has to be made in the Consulate of the country where the MAIN PURPOSE OF TRAVEL lies. In case you are planning to travel to multiple Schengen countries, please make your application to the Consulate where you are going to stay for a longer time. In the case you are visiting several Schengen countries and you are planning to stay in each of them the same number of days / nights, you should arrange a visa at the Consulate of the country of first entry.

Ans: Calculate the days as follows:

  • Look the reference period of 180 days (not 6 months!) from each day of your stay in the Schengen area backwards.
  • Calculate the summarized duration of previous stays (according to entrance/exit stamps in your passport(s) for each 180-days period.
  • Check whether these summarized durations do not exceed 90 in each 180-days period. If exceed, you have to change your trip plans and check again.

The European Commission puts at your disposal a calculation tool on the following link:

Ans: At the visa Application Centre with prior appointment.

Ans: If you have gone through the capture of biometric data to apply for a Schengen visa at any consulate of a Schengen country, the biometric data does not need to be re- taken in the next 59 months. Please note that the Consulate of Spain has the right to request a new biometric data capture at any stage of examination of the documents.

Ans: The Consulate of Spain recommends capturing biometric data for children who turn 12 years two weeks after the submission of the visa application. However, if your child turns 12 years during the trip, the child can go through the capture of biometric data if you want.

Ans: Applicants are free to apply up to 180 days prior to their date of travel. However, all applications must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the proposed date of travel to accommodate any unforeseen processing delays. This period is extended to 9 months in the case of the seamen.

Ans: In most cases, you will be informed within 15 calendar days whether your application has been successful. Sometimes it can take up to 45 days in case it is necessary to make a more detailed exam of the application.

Ans: The reasons leading to the denial of a visa are duly reflected in the report of resolution. This resolution puts an end to the proceedings. Against this resolution is possible to file an administrative appeal to the High Court of Justice of Madrid (Spain) within two months from the day following the date of notification of that decision.

Also, in accordance with what was stated in the letter of refusal and in accordance with article 116 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, be possible discretionary appeal for reinstatement in within one month from the day following the date of notification of this decision. The appeal under Article 110.1 of the Law 30/1992:

  • The name of the appellant as well as the identification of means and, where appropriate, the place as is for notification purposes.
  • The action that is being appealed and the reason for its challenge.
  • Place, date and personal identification of the appellant.
  • Body, centre or administrative unit to which it is addressed.
  • Other particulars if required by the specific provisions.

The appeal must be submitted and signed by the applicant in person or by duly authorized representative.


  • If a minor (under 18 years) is going on a trip with his/her parents, and the whole family is applying for a visa at the same time, the only additional document required will be the birth certificate.
  • If a minor (under 18 years) is going on a trip with one of the parents, and both apply for a visa at the same time, the additional documents required are: child's birth certificate and notarized consent to travel from the second parent. In some particular cases, additional documents may be required (see the note below for details).
  • If a minor (under 18) traveling to visit with an escort, and both apply for a visa at the same time, the additional documents required are: child's birth certificate, notarized consent to travel from both parents on behalf of the accompanying person. In some particular cases, additional documents may be required (see the note below for details).
  • If a minor (under 18) is going on a trip with his/her parents, and these already have a visa, the additional documents required are: birth certificate, copy of the valid visas of both parents and copy of the parents’ tickets.
  • If a minor (under 18) is going on a trip with one of the parents, and he/she already has a visa, the additional documents required are: child’s birth certificate, copy of the parent’s valid visa and the parent’s ticket, your parent tickets and consent to travel from the second parent. In some particular cases, additional documents may be required (see the note below for details).
  • If a minor (under 18) traveling to visit with an escort, and he/she already has a visa, the additional documents required are: child’s birth certificate, copy of the escorts ticket and of his/her valid visa, and consent to travel from both parents on behalf of the accompanying person. In some particular cases, additional documents may be required (see the note below for details).

    Note: In case of death of one of the parent a copy of the death certificate must be submitted. If at the birth certificate father’s details are inscribed with the words of the mother, the appropriate certificate from the ZAGS must be submitted. In the case of termination of the parental rights, a copy of the court order must be submitted. In the case of guardianship, a copy of the court decision on the appointment of a guardian must be submitted. If the location of the parent is unknown, a certificate from the police must be submitted. Important: The notarized consent to travel is also required in the following cases:
  • The parents or one of the parents temporarily or permanently reside in the Spanish territory;
  • The minor and the parents/parent /escort travel back on different dates;
  • The minor and the parents/parents/escort travel back together, but the parents/parent/escort, plan to leave the Spanish territory for a while during the minor’s stay in Spain;
  • The minor and the parents/parent/escort travel on different flights.